Private Fitness & Pilates Sessions in Bristol

Private Fitness Sessions

Each private fitness session is designed to make you feel better and to work towards your goals. Sian uses a holistic approach, combining multidisciplinary skills to sessions and programs. She doesn’t believe in sticking to plans and will always adapt sessions to accommodate how you are feeling that day. She’s not a fan of big machines or quick fixes, instead focusing on making permanent changes to your lifestyle. Your fitness session may include using Pilates equipment such as the reformer, cadillac and spine corrector, as well as free weights, small bands and your own body. Exercise programs can easily be adapted to be replicated at home.

New clients will be asked to complete a health screening questionnaire to help Sian assess your needs and confirm that she can help you reach your goals. If she can’t help, she’ll be able to recommend someone who can!

"Sian is an extremely knowledgeable, inspiring and motivational trainer. She has helped me gain strength and confidence following an ongoing injury and has also provided me with better sports therapy treatments then any physio or chiropractor has previously. She is hands down the best personal trainer I have ever had."

Private Pilates Sessions

During your private Pilates sessions you will be guided through movements and exercises that can help you achieve your goals. These sessions are tailored to each individual to ensure safe, correct and effective results. Perfect for beginners, those with injuries or those who want to be challenged beyond the restrictions of a general class.

During the first session we will go over your medical and exercise history, talk about any injuries or concerns you may have. We will then take you to either the mat or the equipment to help construct a plan for you. At the end of a session you can expect to feel lengthened and stretched but challenged at the same time.

The equipment used may be the reformer, cadillac, wunda chair and small props but may include all or none, depending on you.  You may be sent home with some simple exercises or stretches to help support your sessions, but we don’t believe in rigid, long home plans. Instead expect short and easy things to fit in with your every day life and activities. 

Booking Private Sessions

You can book a single session or purchase a block of 3, 6 or 10 sessions. The bigger the block, the greater the discount! Booking details and prices can be accessed from the Buy & Book Private Sessions page.

Group Bookings

For group, semi-private or corporate classes and workshops, please contact us for prices.

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